Lions Club of Damansara
Kuala Lumpur
We were established in 1978 by a group of volunteers who wanted to do some charitable work for our nation. We are a charitable organization that cares for the needy in our community. We serve the community by carrying meaningful projects that target to help the under-privileged. We have a total of 36 members as at July 2008.

Our club is part of the Lions Club International organization ( and is placed under Malaysia District 308 B1.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mobile sightfirst

On Friday, 15 October 2010, 50 students of SJKC Desa Jaya, Kepong were given free spectacles by Lions Club of Damansara. This is our annual project to provide some assistance to selected students from lower income group. We hope that our assistance will help to relieve financial burden of these students.

50 free spectacles to be given free of charge fully sponsored by Lions Club of Damansara

Our optician inspecting a short-sighted student

A smiling student with her new spec

Group photo with all recipients, representatives from Lions Club of Damansara and school teachers

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